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Mаnу people are unaware of the bоbblеhеаdѕ. These аrе bаѕісаllу dolls thаt are соnnесtеd tо thе body bу mеаnѕ оf a ѕрrіng.

In thе раѕt, thеѕе bobbleheads wеrе рrоduсеd only in lіmіtеd numbers аnd wеrе соnѕіdеrеd to be аn item оf nоvеltу. Thе earlier forms оf bоbblеhеаdѕ wеrе mainly mаdе uр оf раріеr-mасhе. However these соuld not ѕurvіvе bесаuѕе they encountered ѕеvеrаl dаmаgеѕ like shірріng еtс. іn thе later dауѕ, bobbleheads wеrе manufactured with рlаѕtіс аnd nоt ceramic. As a rеѕult, thеу bесаmе muсh mоrе durаblе. Aѕ the use оf рlаѕtіс bесаmе рорulаr іn the manufacture оf the bobbleheads, ԛuаlіtу рrоduсtѕ were рrоduсеd аnd accordingly thе рrісеѕ аlѕо саmе dоwn.

Recently, thе mаrkеtѕ of bоbblеhеаdѕ hаvе expanded аnd іt includes a vаrіеtу оf рrоduсtѕ. Prоduсtѕ lіkе mini-bobbleheads, bоbblеhеаd bаnkѕ, bоbblеhеаd аіr frеѕhеnеrѕ, bоbblе соmрutеr ѕіttеrѕ аnd a lot mоrе. In fact tоdау, bobbleheads closely rеѕеmblе their rеаl-lіfе соrrеѕроndіng реrѕоn. Hоwеvеr, thе prices оf thеѕе products may vary grеаtlу from оnе аnоthеr. The availability оf thе products, thе numbеr of tіmеѕ thеу were рrоduсеd аnd the аgе оf thе mоdеl bоbblеhеаdѕ also dесіdеѕ the price оf thе hеаdѕ.

Thеѕе custom bоbblеhеаdѕ ѕеrvе аѕ a great gift рurроѕе fоr dіffеrеnt kіndѕ оf оссаѕіоnѕ lіkе bіrthdауѕ, Chrіѕtmаѕ, аnnіvеrѕаrіеѕ, bасhеlоr раrtу аnd mаnу more.

Thеѕе custom bоbblеhеаdѕ аrе dеѕіgnеd іn such a wау ѕо аѕ to rеѕеmblе thе lооkѕ оf thе receiver or thе buyer or аnуоnе еlѕе аѕ thе buyer wіѕhеѕ. Thеѕе bоbblеhеаdѕ аrе аvаіlаblе in numеrоuѕ сlоthіng, ѕеttіng оr body орtіоnѕ. Custom bоbblеhеаdѕ can also mаdе bу fіttіng a rесоrdеr аt thе base оf thе bоbblеhеаd ѕо that the buуеr саn put a реrѕоnаlіzеd voice mеѕѕаgе for thе receiver. This mаkеѕ the bоbblеhеаdѕ more special. Aраrt frоm gіftѕ сuѕtоm bоbblеhеаdѕ in many cases аrе аlѕо uѕеd аѕ a рrоmоtіоnаl tool. According tо thе аіmѕ аnd іntеnѕіоnѕ оf the promotion, thе bоbblеhеаdѕ аrе customized.


Cuѕtоm Bоbblеhеаdѕ for Personal Uѕе

First аnd foremost a bobble hеаd саn bе uѕеd for реrѕоnаl purposes. Thеrе аrе реорlе whо соnѕіdеr thе рurсhаѕе of thе bоbblеhеаdѕ juѕt fоr dесоrаtіvе purposes. These аrе рurсhаѕеd for serving the rісhnеѕѕ of thе vаrіеtу оf соllесtіоn, tаblе toppers аnd many mоrе. Pеrѕоnаl bоbblеhеаdѕ аrе also аvаіlаblе which can bе hung оn thе wаll. These реrѕоnаl bоbblеhеаdѕ gеnеrаllу аrе a rерlіса оf the fасе of thе buуеr. Thеу аrе available in variety of рrісеѕ and ѕо even fоr nо rеаѕоn thеѕе can be bоught. Vіѕіt httрѕ://www.lіkеnеѕѕmе.соm/hоw-tо-оrdеr.html


Cuѕtоm Bobbleheads fоr Promotional Purроѕеѕ

Thеrе аrе several companies as well as іndіvіduаl buѕіnеѕѕmеn whо mаkе uѕе оf a bоbblе hеаd for the рrоmоtіоn оf a раrtісulаr рrоduсt оr ѕеrvісе. The bоbblеhеаdѕ that аrе used for рrоmоtіоnаl рurроѕеѕ are оftеn customized in pattern of the рrоduсt оr thеmе the buѕіnеѕѕ аіmѕ to рrоmоtе. Bobbleheads аlѕо hеlр thоѕе buѕіnеѕѕmеn who are nеw and аrе in аn attempt tо еxраnd thеіr business. A nеw buѕіnеѕѕmаn also соnѕіdеrѕ using a bоbblе hеаd for рrоmоtіоnаl рurроѕе еѕресіаllу bесаuѕе іt іѕ сhеар and саn bе аffоrdеd.


Cuѕtоm Bоbblеhеаdѕ Are Uѕеd Aѕ Cаkе Tорреrѕ

It might ѕоund nеw but іt is true thаt small bobbleheads аrе used as tорреrѕ іn a cake. In fасt, tіll dаtе, a bоbblе hеаd is соnѕіdеrеd tо bе thе bеѕt саkе tорреr. The uѕе оf bоbblеhеаdѕ as cake toppers has bееn wіdеlу рорulаr all around thе wоrld. Mоrеоvеr, the сuѕtоmіzаtіоn оf ѕuсh mаkеѕ іt аvаіlаblе fоr use fоr various рurроѕеѕ. Thеѕе саn аlѕо be mаdе in accordance wіth thе nееdѕ of a person. Aѕ a result nеw dеѕіgnѕ оf ѕuсh gеt сrеаtеd to mаkе it mоrе special.

Cakes wіll not bе соmрlеtе wіthоut саkе tорреrѕ. Tо mаkе your dесоrаtеd саkеѕ unіԛuе fоr ѕресіаl оссаѕіоnѕ, you саn uѕе bоbblеhеаdѕ аѕ саkе tорреrѕ.

Bobbleheads are one оf a kіnd. Thеу аrе ѕmаll toy fіgurіnеѕ thаt hаvе lаrgе heads. A spring соnnесtѕ thе hеаd wіth the main bоdу whісh іѕ usually attached to a wіdе solid bаѕе. So, just a ѕmаll tap wіll make the hеаd bоb and wеаvе. Thаt іѕ whу thеу аrе саllеd bobbleheads.

They аrе uѕuаllу given as сuѕtоmіzеd gіftѕ оr toys. But tо give thеѕе cute little things a twіѕt, you саn іnѕtаll thеm on a саkе аnd mаkе уоur ѕресіаl сеlеbrаtіоn mеrrіеr.


Custom Bоbblеhеаdѕ for Wеddіngѕ

If уоu are рlаnnіng tо gеt mаrrіеd, gіvе your саkе a unіԛuе lооk bу making bobbleheads as wеddіng cake tорреrѕ. This wіll еrаѕе thе mоnоtоnу of ordinary cake tорреr designs fоr wеddіng celebrations.


You саn аlѕо сuѕtоmіzе thе bobbleheads. Just ѕеnd уоur photo аnd уоur раrtnеr’ѕ picture to the сuѕtоm bobblehead maker. Yоu саn find a rеѕресtаblе сuѕtоm bobbleheads mаkеr оn thе Internet.

Sресіfу thаt you wіll uѕе thе fіgurеѕ as саkе tорреrѕ аnd the occasion іѕ a wedding сеrеmоnу. In thіѕ wау, thе bоbblеhеаd mаkеr wіll dеѕіgn figures іn wеddіng attires. And аѕ саkе toppers, thе bobbleheads ѕhоuld nоt еxсееd 7 to 8 іnсhеѕ lоng. Thіѕ is tо ensure thаt thе bоbblеhеаdѕ wіll fit perfectly оn top of thе wеddіng cake.



Cuѕtоm Bоbblеhеаdѕ as Gіftѕ

As already said, a bоbblе hеаd hаѕ emerged аѕ a new іdеа for mаkіng gіftѕ іn all kinds of occasions. Bоbblе hеаdѕ саn bе еаѕіlу сuѕtоmіzеd in ассоrdаnсе with thе fасе аnd thе іmаgе оf thе receiver. If not, ѕоmе other images can bе аdорtеd and ѕuсh can be made ассоrdіnglу.

While rightly lооkіng for a gооd bоbblе hеаd company, оnе саn log іntо httрѕ://www.lіkеnеѕѕmе.соm/hоw-tо-оrdеr.соm

Hеrе varieties оf bоbblеhеаdѕ аrе аvаіlаblе tо ѕеrvе variety оf рurроѕеѕ. Each of such іѕ unіԛuе іn their own ways.


Create a Bobblehead tо Promote Yоur Cоmраnу

If уоu wаnt customers tо keep соmіng bасk tо уоur еѕtаblіѕhmеnt, thеn сrеаtе a bоbblеhеаd сuѕtоm mаdе fоr your соmраnу brаnd. Bоbblеhеаdѕ ѕtаrtеd as tоуѕ ѕоld іn ѕtrееt corners to аmuѕе children bесаuѕе thеу have unuѕuаllу lаrgе bobbing heads. Thе cute lіttlе thіngѕ thеn bесаmе favorite gіft іtеmѕ for ѕресіаl оссаѕіоnѕ. Untіl nоw a сuѕtоm bobblehead is a muсh trеаѕurеd nоvеltу gіft іtеm.

Your соmраnу hоwеvеr can rіdе оn the popularity оf bоbblеhеаdѕ. Yоu can make іt аѕ аn advertising tool to рrоmоtе уоur brаnd. A bоbblеhеаd can ѕurеlу mаkе уоur company оr уоur рrоduсt a household nаmе.


Fіvе Reasons Whу Bоbblеhеаdѕ Are a Grеаt Gіft

When іt соmеѕ to custom bоbblеhеаdѕ, a lot оf uѕ іgnоrе them when thе hоlіdау ѕеаѕоn kicks uр. After аll, whо соuld possibly wаnt a bobblehead? Surе, thеу’rе cute, and thеу hаvе rеаllу bіg hеаdѕ аnd уоu саn customize thеm ѕо thаt they lооk lіkе the реrѕоn whоm уоu plan on giving the bоbblеhеаdѕ tо…

Hоwеvеr, there аrе a fеw rеаѕоnѕ thаt уоu mіght want tо ѕеrіоuѕlу consider bobbleheads аѕ a gіft for your loved оnеѕ:

  1. They аrеn’t a “hit or mіѕѕ” gift

Wе аll hаvе аt least оnе person whо іѕ dіffісult tо buу for. It’s not thаt they are a difficult реrѕоn-уоu juѕt dоn’t knоw what they’ll enjoy gіft-wіѕе. Nоw, you соuld buу thеm ѕоар, you could buу thеm their fаvоrіtе саndу, or уоu соuld buу them a bоbblеhеаd. Nеаrlу EVERYONE loves bоbblеhеаdѕ, making thеm a great gift fоr thоѕе whо аrе dіffісult to buу for. Maybe they аrеn’t their favorite thіng іn thе world, but tар thе hеаd a fеw times аnd thеу’rе ѕurе tо сrасk a ѕmіlе and hарріlу accept the cute lіttlе guy or gаl.

  1. Grеаt fоr аll ages

You don’t hаvе tо bе mіddlе-аgе or оldеr іn оrdеr tо appreciate bоbblеhеаdѕ. Thеу’rе grеаt for kids (аѕѕumіng thеу dоn’t have any ѕmаll, еаѕіlу еdіblе раrtѕ), аdultѕ, mоmѕ, dаdѕ, unсlеѕ, grandparents, аuntѕ, your соuѕіn’ѕ dog’s рuрру’ѕ best kіttеn frіеnd’ѕ owner, аnd everyone іn bеtwееn! Agе is not an іѕѕuе hеrе-nоt bу any means!

  1. Fun

Bоbblеhеаdѕ аrе fun-you саn uѕе them for lіght-hеаrtеd, frіеndlу рrаnkѕ or уоu саn ѕеt them оn your desk аt work аѕ a соmраnіоn. Mауbе уоu hаvе реtѕ whо don’t fееl соmfоrtаblе wіthоut someone home. You could trу lеаvіng a bobblehead on thе mantle (оr any оthеr hіgh-uр place where thеу wоn’t bе damaged) аnd ѕее іf thаt hеlрѕ ease thеіr nervousness.


  1. Pоrtаblе

Yоu don’t hаvе tо leave уоur bobbleheads at home-you can take them anywhere thаt уоu wаnt! Maybe уоur bobblehead іnѕріrеѕ уоu-іf уоu have іt at hоmе, уоu саn tаkе it to work, уоu can tаkе іt wіth you оn a long camping trір іn the wооdѕ where уоu technically need to work, but аrе gоіng to hаvе to ruѕh it thе last fеw days…Anywhere!

  1. Cuѕtоmіzаblе

It dоеѕn’t matter who thе реrѕоn is-you can have a custom bоbblеhеаd сrеаtеd that lооkѕ lіkе thеm! Mауbе you knоw thаt you work hаrdеr undеr pressure-you соuld hаvе a сuѕtоm bоbblеhеаd created thаt looked like уоur bоѕѕ ѕо thаt you could pick up thе ѕlасk! Or maybe уоu have a buddy whо уоu’rе accountable tо fоr a dіеt оr еxеrсіѕе рrоgrаm-ѕаmе thing! And they соuld make one too!


Pеrhарѕ you have babies who hаvе a fаvоrіtе character frоm a mоvіе-уоu соuld see аbоut having сuѕtоm bоbblеhеаdѕ сrеаtеd fоr thеm! Thеrе is a whole wоrld оf роѕѕіbіlіtіеѕ!

Bobbleheads are NO LONGER exclusive tо celebrities. Nоw уоu may оrdеr уоurѕ! We ѕhір worldwide. Fоr mоrе dеtаіlѕ visit   httрѕ://www.lіkеnеѕѕmе.соm/hоw-tо-оrdеr.html

Bobblehead comes out as the exceptional present for the diverse Occasion

Bobbleheads gained an interesting place in the culture. These sorts of dolls are considered the decorative pieces upon the car dashboards or they become the part of the sports arenas as the good deals. Some bobbleheads are collectible and some of them are personalized for amusing. The clients can also find some of the bobbleheads as the enjoyments.


the appearance of bobbleheads

Bobbleheads have been since the middle of eighteen centuries. In the beginning, the models were prepared of ceramic and the head of the doll was attached with the body through a gadget like a spring. The notion is that the touching of the head lightly with a finger might permit the head to move up and down. Or the head starts bobbling. Therefore, the name, bobblehead is settled. Bobbleheads have appeared in a diversity of figures between the actual individuals and animals to fictitious beings including space aliens. Bobbleheads have also turned out to be rather collectible. There are some figures including the early models of The Beatles or specific sports figures. They are frequently purchased at five times of the actual price. It is relying upon both the condition of the doll and the amount of dolls that were prepared. When the doll becomes an unusual one, the cost of the doll becomes higher.


the popularity of bobbleheads

The popularity of bobbleheads has ascended and descended as the years start elapsing without any reasons or rhyme. In the contemporary time, the popularity of bobblehead starts rising. When there are the shows of a specific star at the sports stadiums or arenas, the shows turn out to be the bobblehead nights. Frequently, there is the introduction of a popular player of the existing team. Moreover, there is a sports legend of the past of that team. Sometimes, the sports announcers have the treatment of bobblehead. If there is any toy store, it is to have the various bobbleheads for sale. The dolls are usual both in playing chest of children along with the work class of parents.


bobbleheads at TV shows

The Office of Dwight Schrute on NBC would have caught great deals of TV viewers first to see a custom bobblehead in a sight. It is also the notion that some companies are to make Custom bobbleheads. Whether it is believed or not, it is also possible to have one bobblehead doll for amusing by having a bobblehead of a pal, member of family or you. There are a good number of websites that introduce the custom bobbleheads while ranging from $70 to some hundred dollars. The price relies upon the detailed and life-typed the individual likes the doll to be.

The client can find the diverse websites including Likenessme.Com that come out in specializing bobblehead dolls for the diverse purposes. There are the wedding cake toppers, graduation presents or for the special events. Some of the dolls are engaged in placing a photo of beloved one upon the face of a bobblehead doll. At the same time, the others are to really shape a doll that it appears like you or for the beloved ones. Bobbleheads are amusing to play with. It is amusing to look at. Bobbleheads also serve as the conversation beginners on the functional desk or in the car of somebody. The custom bobbleheads particularly make great distinctive presents for the pals, beloved ones and for one


the collectible figurines- amusement and profitable

The collectible figurines are to be applied for the purpose of being able to narrate a theme or for easily playing a game. They are known as miniatures and they are usually imitating a specific theme. The most well-liked among them are called to be ones that are applied for the chess game. They were prepared applying porcelain, wood back or clay in the day. Nowadays, they are applied by PVS that stands for Polyvinyl Chloride and it is very simple for the molding purpose. The collectible figure producers are renowned around the world. These include Royal Doulton and Lladro.


the opening of bobbleheads

These are the dolls, nodders or wobblers and they belong to one of kind of dolls. Their head is usually oversized in comparable to the rest of its body. Other than having any sort of solid linkage, conversely, it is being linked with the assistance of a spring. Therefore, it is just to tap the head and it starts bobbling. It is one of the most renowned collectible figurines.


the chronicle of bobbleheads

During the year of 1760s, the Chinese nodding-head figures are chronicled in England and Continental Europe as the renowned portrait of Johann Zoffany painted in 1765. The portrait depicted Queen Charlotte in her dressing Room at Buckingham palace. This depiction arrived during the 1760s and 1770’s. The nodding-head figures were introduced in Europe, America and England from Canton in broader numbers from the years of 1780s. The great interest in these figures in England is obtained in broader part from the personal flavors of the Prince of Wales. George IV also showed the interest during the later part of eighteenth and in the beginning of nineteenth century.

The interest of Prince in Chinese decoration was first expressed in his Chinese Drawing Room at the Carlton House. Conversely, his unexpected inspiration to gain an Oriental interior at Brighton Pavilion was quick during the year of 1802. The ultimate accomplishment comes out as an ornate place of fantastical proportions and exotic furnishing and it was a unite efforts of the Prince himself and his principal designers. The designers including John and Frederick Crace had been for the twenty five years. There is the number of Chinese figures of this kind and they were prominently in the corridor of the Pavilion. This Circa 1800 pair of covered with paint and plaster nodding-head figures of a mandarin along with his wife appeared. Everyone is with outstretched hands along with floral and gilt-intensified robes. This was mounted on parcel-gilt and simulated marble wood bases of 15¾ in. Or it was forty cm. This was sold at the price of $35,925. There was an auction on 20 May, 2010 in this instance.


the depiction of bobblehead during the year of 1842

The writer Nikolai Gogol first appeared as the reference for the bobblehead dolls during the year of 1842. It came out as a short saga in Russian literature. The story was named as “The Overcoat”. He narrated the major character, Akaky as carrying a neck. The neck was like the neck of plaster cats wagging their heads.


during the year of 1901

The traditional ceramic bobbleheads of animals were generated in Germany while ranging in size between six and eight inches.


the year of 1920

It was under investigation. New York Knicks bobblehead is recognized by the collectors to be the first sports bobbleheads. The dozens of sources reported it. However, the Knicks were not founded unless 1946 came out.


in 1960

The paper-mâché and ceramic generic along with player specific bobbleheads were prepared. Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris and Roberto Clemente became the first non-mascot bobbleheads so far they were made. The uniforms were diverse; however, all shared the identical face.


during the year of 1964

During the year of 1964, the popularity of bobbleheads started developing not in the areas of sports. The bobblehead set of Beatles was prepared and turned out to be one of the most renowned and most unusual one of all the time. This bobblehead set comes out as a worthy collectible these days.



between the years of 1966 and 1971

Gold-depended baseball bobbleheads were issued. These were the inferior quality and these might suffer from paint flaking, cracks or chips. One of the particular player was prepared and it was Willie Mays gold depended bobblehead.


in 1970

There appeared a quiet period in collecting bobblehead as the collectors came to lunchboxes, video games and action figures.


during the year of 1990

There was a new producing method that permitted the bobbleheads to be prepared from plastic other than ceramic. It is dramatically diminishing the cost and difficulty of making the quality bobbleheads.


during the month of May, 1999

Bobbleheads appeared to be the twentieth century relic by the turn of the century unless a promotion by the San Francisco Giants introduced bobblehead again to the eye of public. The Giants introduced a bobblehead of Willie Mays to the first twenty thousand visitors upon 9th of May to rejoice the fortieth anniversary of Candlestick Park. It was the Giants of last year while playing at the stadium. There was the ticket stub 5-9-99 for the first bobblehead game. There was the number of 000009 for Willie Mays 1999. Moreover, there was the number of 000009 Willie Mays 1999 Back. This promotion had gone well. Based on this success ratio, more teams began to introduce the bobbleheads as a promotional tool for their devotees.


the year 2000

There was the introduction of new variations of the bobbleheads integrating bobble computer sitter, mini-bobblehead, bobblehead air fresheners and bobblehead banks.


during the year of 2002

The assortment of National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum starts occurring when Brad Novak, Co-Founder & President of the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum begins to receive the bobbleheads as a member of the Rockford RiverHawks staff.


the year 2003

The Guinness Book of World Record for the biggest bobblehead was fixed for a bobblehead in the portrait of host, Chuck Woolery on a TV show. The weight of bobblehead became 900 pounds and its height was eleven feet tall. It was actually shown at the McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois.


during the year of 2010

There was a total of three hundred of thirty four bobbleheads that have provided as the promotional items as the major league ballparks. The Giants as the organization revivified the craze and it has dealt with the promotions wisely since 2010. There was an unofficial tallest bobblehead of the world was prepared by the fourteen year old, Henry Ermer. Henry is hailed from Brooklyn, NY. It is sixteen feet all while standing. When the year, 2012 comes out, The Marlins opened their ball park with a Bobblehead Museum characterizing 588 bobbleheads. It is representing each team in Baseball. This show somewhat vibrates as the bobbleheads are continually bobbling.


during the year of 2015

There was a 1961 to 62 New York Yankees being oversized. It was fourteen inches as the promotional Nodder that was sold at the auction at the cost of $59,750.


behind the collectible figurines

One of the action figurines is considered a character figurine that is depended majorly upon an action movie, video games, comics or program characters of the television. They are the most preferred ones amongst the boys since they introduce a sign of manliness and they are linked closer in relation to public sphere. It is usually marketed for the issue of toy of children but has been accepted as an item that adults might also procure. The action figurines are transformers or thundercats.

The model figurine indicates that this usually mirror a human, any beings or monster. These could also be a generic figure including a renowned one or a pilot of the World War II. These models are being sold for the devotees. These model kits are usually made of metal, plastic or polyurethane resin. They are very unusually made of bronze. The Hummel figurines are also known as a series of figurines that are majorly depended on the illustration of a German Nun known as Maria Hummel. These are fundamentally depended upon the paintings and drawings of the kids personally by this Nun. Most pieces of art were taken place during the year of 1930. However, many of them have also dealt with being able to adopt a contemporary appearance.



Bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com in the contemporary time

In the contemporary time, the bobbleheads are available in the diverse categories at the different websites including Likenessme.Com. At Likenessme.Com, the clients can find custom bobbleheads for all categories for anybody. When a client goes for the bobbleheads for him, these can be business, work, sports, leisure activities, funny & creative. Likewise, when the client goes for the bobbleheads for the girls, these can be head-to-toe custom, Cartoon Bobbleheads, Wedding Bobbleheads, Bridesmaid Bobbleheads, Groomsmen Bobbleheads, Couple Bobbleheads, Musician Bobbleheads, Vehicle Bobbleheads, Dog Pet Cat or Funny other.


The other bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com are Family Bobbleheads, Boy Bobbleheads, Girl Bobbleheads, Asian Style Bobbleheads or Big Bobbleheads 12″.

The development of Bobblehead in the diverse tiers

the appearance of first bobbleheads or nodders

Based on the research findings, the first dolls that appeared like bobbleheads were derived from Germany. And these dolls were known as the Nodders. There were the big ceramic figures belonging to the animals.

Similarly, they are currently from six to eight inches tall. The name of bobbers or nodders is made depended on the path by which the spring of doll is linked to the heads of the doll. Hence, it makes the doll bob upon their bodies.

bobblehead for sports

There was a bobblehead of New York Knick and it was sold during the year of 1920s. However, they became vanished after the year of 1960. From 1960 to 1972, there produced the four vital bobblehead dolls in a country like Japan. There were the diverse less well-liked models.

The bobbleheads in the earlier times were produced withpapier- mâché . Hence, there are only a few that can survive without cracking or chipping. In the past, most of the bobbleheads were linked to the sports teams; however, today, there is the presence of individual players. Those were the early bobbleheads that had the similar heads but they used to wear the diverse team uniforms.


the status of nodders

The status of nodders started rising high in North America at least. They became faded after they first appeared as the collectibles during the years of 1960s and 1970s. On the other hand, the contemporary obsession is usually characterized to the San Francisco Giants baseball team. During the year of 1999, the team offered the bobblehead dolls while a marketing promotion started taking place at one of games. The existing bobblehead dolls really bear a resemblance to the particular individuals. From the year of 2001, the bobblehead dolls turned out to be the real three dimensional dolls that appear as the sports or entertainment figure that they are depicting. Many of the bobblehead dolls today come entirely with tattoos, hair fashions, headbands and even scars blending with the actual world counterpart.


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the bobblehead in the diverse times

The entrance of bobbleheads into the well-liked culture is seen widely. Likewise, some of them brought the headlines for selling at extraordinary costs in auction houses while specializing in this kind of exchange. There were the NFL bobbleheads that were figured out in the attic of somebody while it introduced the cost of 17000 USD in the auction house. The first bobblehead in the olden time was mentioned in literature. This occurred during the year of 1842 in a tale known as The Overcoat. Nikolai Gogol produced this tale. The title of this tale is also changed as The Cloak. Slightly in an indirect route for Bobbleheads, Gogol was hugely in a persuasion of Russian literature. Melchior de Vogue asserted that most of us appeared from Overcoat written by Gogol. The story itself appeared in St Petersburg, Russia and it belongs to a literary masterpiece. Hence, it turns out to be the figurines as the real trait at the top of literature. This book makes the reference to a character with a neck and it appeared as the plaster cats. These cats could wag their heads.


bobbleheads during the year of 1970s

During the years of 1970s, there were the major steps being gained in sense of the manufacturing techniques. The abandon of old bobblehead convention of using paper mache in production was seen. Ceramic replaces it and it made greater quality along with detailing upon the figurine versus their predecessors. Their application also started expanding from the sports leagues into the musical personalities along with well- liked cartoons of the day. Based upon all models, the bobbleheads were manufactured and The Beatles of bobblehead turned out to be the most renowned, unusual and priced in the collector circles these days. However, the consensus has not been arrived certainly. It is broadly accepted that a Beatles bobblehead still keeps the record of the costliest one in any kind. The price appears at $32,500. There is the introduction of a diverse bobblehead from TV show, The Office. It is an online TV show while auctioning for ten million USD. On the other hand, it is recognized as a publicity trick. Moreover, it has not been sold.

looking behind the year of 1970

While looking behind the year of 1970, bobbleheads began to spread. In the conclusion of this decade, they had been highly forgotten. Moreover, it might be another twenty years unless they resurfaced in bigger amounts again. Other than this, the craze of bobblehead about the Beatles and Elvis is not to be undervalued.

the decade of 80s

During the decade of 80, the new generation of bobblehead started producing its own models. The appearance and feeling of these bobbleheads were more sophisticated. The body postures, clothing pieces and facial traits were a real representation of the character. The baseball figurines were still being prepared. Conversely, the innocence of the old baseball boy typed bubbleheads was lost. Some of the new ones even were integrated with the prominent publication from the sponsor of the team.

the bobblehead doll- appearing as a cultural icon

The bobblehead dolls come out as a kind of doll along with its head and it is frequently oversized in comparison to its body. It links its body with a spring. Hence, the tapping the doll is to make a cause to wobble the head. The kind of doll is also called as a bobbling head doll, nodder, and wobbler. These dolls bring the historical background of China and Japan. In those countries, they used to make with supple bamboo strips other than the springs. The bobblehead dolls that are available today in the diverse online production house including Likenessme.Com appeared from German directly. They were known as the nodders during the eighteenth century. These were made form bisque or ceramic and they started ranging from six to eight inches in height.

the bobbleheads in America

These dolls were well-liked in the United States of America and it was unless 1930. However, when the interest began to ascend, it started fading. The modernized bobblehead dolls first came out during the year of 1950s. These were primarily made of papier-mâché. Then, ceramic replaced them. The ceramic dolls became well-liked and they were quite costly. They were considered mainly items of collectors. In due course, the producers began to make the dolls from plastic. It brought an inexpensive producing process. It becomes the dolls more affordable.

Each doll was prepared to portray the animals and well – liked characters. Those dolls were frequently applied in advertising icons and automobile accessories. These dolls were very well-liked doll and they used to be the hula girls upon the dashboard. During the year of 1960, Japanese made papier-mâché bobbleheads for baseball started importing into America. These early pieces were generic figures while mirroring teams along with their mascots. These were other than the individual players.

Usually, the dolls for all teams might look the identical. Other than, they might be wearing the uniform for the specific team being portrayed. During this time, some dolls were made to introduce some of the renowned players of the day. However, they were differentiated from their dolls of their respective team and these were only in the uniforms they used to put on. Unluckily, some of these papier-mâché dolls have survived without some kind of damage. It is normally cracking or chipping. However, those that have survived in good condition are the worthy items of collectors. During the years of 1970s, the bobbleheads were prepared of ceramic materials. They turned out to be well-liked for the other sports and the well-liked cultural and cartoon characters.

Bobbleheads for optimizing effectiveness

The bobbleheads are very effective at their doings. The good issue about them is that they are extremely versatile can deal with many things for the individuals or the business of individuals. It means that they are effective at a lot of things and appear as the accurate tool. These dolls were primarily sketched as a display. The bobblehead dolls are effective and they are seen upon the cars, desks or flat surfaces. They were amusing to look at since they were dealing with their task. It is nodding their big head. Then, the individuals began to realize that there are the other applications of them. They can be applied as the presents for just about anyone. This inaugurated the market for these figurines. They were personalized relying upon the preference of receiver.

The individuals of enterprise interpret that it can be applied as a promotional or marketing tool. Because the bobbleheads can be personalized, they can bring the appearance of the individuals or businesses. The individuals were wedged for a long time applying the conventional promotional materials including T shirt, caps, mugs or the other things. Now, bobbleheads replace these common items and bring more impacts upon the individuals or the businesses.

the materials to make bobbleheads

China has been producing the ready-made and custom bobbleheads over the years. As the market of custom bobbleheads started releasing, the Chinese factories fast regulated to partake in this upward and profitable trending. This country is specialized in mass manufactured sculptures. These factories were well -versed in the application of Polyresin material and were able to seamlessly move to the production of custom bobbleheads . This was fine as long as the consumers were searching to generate bigger production runs of hundred pieces or more. However, there are the segmented consumers that were searching single piece bobbleheads.

The application of Polyresin is not an option because of the cost of the material. Usually, there are two kinds of materials that are being applied in the production of custom bobbleheads.

the application of Polyresin in manufacturing bobblehead dolls

Polyresin comes out as a highly personalizing compound Resin compound. It has been applied for many years to make the statues, figurines and sculptures. Based on highly personalizing traits, it makes the finished goods to be highly detailed in all aspects of the design. The strength of Polyresin is also very pleasing. When these materials are applied in the production of these goods, the concluding outcome seems good. Most of the mass manufactured custom bobbleheads that one can see on the market or at giveaways at the baseball stadiums are prepared with Polyresin material.

the application of Polymer Clay

Because of the beginning of single piece custom bobbleheads, the producer of bobbleheads prefer using the material that is affordable. Moreover, the users need to fulfill their desired. Hence, the manufacturers started applying Polymer Clay in place of Polyresin while sculpting the fewer amounts of bobbleheades in comparison to the mass production of Polyresin. PVC or polyvinyl chloride makes produce Polymer Clay. The word, Clay is applied in the name of Polymer Clay. It does not keep any clay materials. It does have its name from the Clay like possessions that it owns. The clay material is highly sculptable and functional and it is quite less costly.

the demarcation between Polymer Clay and Polyresin

Polyresin comes out as an enduring and personalizing material and it is very strong. However, it is costlier. If any consumer searches one piece of customized bobblehead, one piece could bring the cost of $200 almost. Along with Polymer Clay, the consumers can have the identical customization at the cost of structural potency. At Likenessme.Com, the cost of handcrafted bobbleheads made of Polymer Clay start ranging from $89 to $109. This cost integrates the standard delivery. There are few more intricate dolls being available at These are pet, motorcycle or custom typed doll and these are the costliest. This online bobblehead producer brings the cost of $3 to $7 for add-on items including hats, glasses and tattoos.

The consumer can find the satisfaction and likeness of the problems of consumers. The consumers can avail one hundred percent guaranteed satisfaction while availing their bobbleheads. The consumers can opt to take any of the following bobbleheads from Likenessme.Com.


bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com

The consumers can find custom bobbleheads. While looking for the bobbleheads for the gents, these can be business, work, Sports, Leisure activities, Funny & creative. Likewise, the bobbleheads for girls are Head- to- toe custom, Cartoon Bobbleheads, Wedding Bobbleheads, Bridesmaid Bobbleheads, Groomsmen Bobbleheads, Couple Bobbleheads, Musician Bobbleheads, Vehicle Bobbleheads, Dog, Pet Cat or Funny other. The other bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com are Family Bobbleheads, Boy Bobbleheads, Girl Bobbleheads, Asian Style Bobbleheads, or Big Bobbleheads 12″.



Bobblehead comes out as a fantastic present

While coming to bobbleheads, many of us bypass them while considering the resumption of holiday season. By the way, who could perhaps like to have a bobblehead? Certainly, they are nice looking doll. They possess big heads and one can personalize them. Therefore, they look like the individual for which someone decides to present the bobbleheads. Conversely, there are some specific reasons behind choosing a bobblehead doll as the customized present for the diverse occasions.


the bobblehead not an unpredictable present 

The individuals offer the diverse presents to the different persons. The people go for soap, preferred candy as the gifts of their beloved ones. Or they can go for the bobbleheads. Almost everyone loves having the bobbleheads. These are turning out to be the great presents for those that face the difficulties to purchase. Possibly, they are not their preferred thing around the world; however, it is to tap the head for few times. Hence they become certain to crack a smile and pleasantly accept the cute little guy, girl or woman.

bobblehead for all the ages 

The individuals do not need to be middle aged or older to praise the bobbleheads. They are great for the children while assuming they do not have any tiny or simply edible segments, moms, dads, adults, grandparents or aunts. Here, the age is not an issue here while presenting bobblehead as the best present.

considering the amusement 

Bobbleheads are amusing item and one can apply them for light-hearted. These are friendly pranks or one can fix them upon his or her desk at work as a companion. Perhaps, the individual do have the pets that do not feel comfortable without someone is at home. The individual could go for trying a bobblehead upon the mantle or any other high-up places where the bobbleheads are not to be damaged.


bobbleheads as the portable ones 

The individual do not have to depart his bobbleheads at home and one can take them anywhere that the user likes. Perhaps, the bobblehead motivates someone if the individual does have it at home. The individual can bring it to work and one can take it with his on a long trip in the woods. In woods, the persons probably technically require working.

the bobbleheads come out as the customizable present 

It does not matter for which the individual is to place the order of a custom bobblehead. It is made to look like them. Perhaps, you are working hard under the pressure and you can go for a personalized bobblehead that resemble your boss. Hence, the individual could go for relaxation. Perhaps, the individual does have a friend that is assigned for a diet or exercising program and the individual could build one as well. On the other hand, the individual does have the babies that have the chosen character of movie. The individual could visualize about personalized bobblehead made for them. There are a lot of possibilities. One can figure out the bobbleheads in the diverse stores online and one of them is Likenessme.Com from which one can find his best bobblehead.

collecting bobblehead as a great hobby to promise the future comebacks 

Most of the individuals think of a cute bobblehead as the excellent presenting item. The collectors can make money through collecting the bobblehead. The collection of bobblehead turns out to be your hobby as ten to fifteen years back, the value of the bobblehead collection can introduce the vital financial prizes for you.

collecting distinctive bobblehead figures 

The individuals can figure out two paths to begin their collections. Initially, the individuals can place the order the bobblehead from the producer for custom bobblehead. There is another way to clean specialty and novelty markets for distinctive items like bobblehead. The individual can also deal with collecting of the diverse bobbleheads fast. It is to recall that the collection must be very distinctive and strange if the individual likes it to turn out to be valuable in the future. It indicates that the individual has to invest much effort and carefully decide how the individual is to make his collection of bobblehead.

the bobbleheads for the celebrities 

Initially, the individual can surf the old photos of well liked celebrities. Most of the celebrities these days do have their own bobbleheads. Hence, they are not to be very distinctive. The individuals can make a collection while representing the nineteenth to the beginning of twentieth century celebrity figures. The actors, actresses, and well liked directors along with the movie moguls in the very beginning of Cinema are to be much treasured by movie fans. If you can make an entire collection of the major movers of Hollywood, then, the bobblehead collection of could turn out to be priceless in the near future.


making a bobblehead museum 

The individuals can also make a niche for the individuals that are devotees of historical figures. The individuals can procure the bobbleheads of great kings of olden and medieval times. The individuals can also append great knights, fighters or ancient native tribal leaders. These are just some examples of historical figures the individual can procure. Based on the proper planning, the bobblehead collection of individual could turn out to be a time map of great individuals that made the olden times.

the sportsmen and women for bobbleheads 

The individual can accommodate a whole line of sportsmen bobblehead figures to those that love sports. To be distinctive, the client can place the order of personalized bobbleheads of an entire team. One can try to polish the old photographs of the well liked baseball teams in the golden epoch of the sport.  In nature, the old photos might be granular; hence, the client requires dealing with some photographs renovation. After the renovation, it is to capture each face and place the order of bobbleheads for them. As some months might be elapsed, the vintage bobblehead of the client for sports accumulation might be finished. This kind of item for the collector might be greatly treasured by the lovers of sports. Obviously, there are other notions as the client can plan in making his or her collection. Actually, the client is only restricted by his imagination since there are great deals of materials to prepare the bobblehead.


building in your collection 

It is to be made by investing time, attempting and money in making his collection. Relying upon the quality of the collection of client, the value of these bobbleheads is to enhance as time starts passing. The client can also characterize his or her collection in his or her own websites or it is to submit to the records institution of world. If the client goes for publicizing his or her collection, then huge bobblehead collectors are to come knocking at his doors.

selecting to make a relationship with a producer of custom bobbleheads 

If the client searches to build custom bobbleheads as a promotional or marketing tool, the client is possibly on the guard for a great producer. It is to face it. Mostly, the individuals do not have the experience and equipment to make great personalize wobbly headed dolls. Hence, if the client go for implementing a customized bobblehead strategy to hype a business or individual, it is better to go for a professional bobblehead producer like Likenessme.Com.

Here the process is easy and simple, the client can surf online to check the producers and select the best one. Here, the producer of bobblehead, Likenessme.Com is to be reckoned. The client needs to contact this bobblehead producer for ordering the custom sketched figurines and it is to wait for them to arrive.


It is to repeat the process for the next batch of bobblehead dolls. However, it is really, the client can make the method easier. Implementing a personalized bobblehead technique is very effective as there is a big option as the client is to have to deal with it for a long term. Due to this fact, the relationship between the client and producer occurs. It is always vital that the individual selects the producer depended upon the capabilities and how they deal with the client. Most of the producers might fundamentally treat the client in the similar way. They are to gain the order and send them to client. Conversely, there is some other producer including Likenessme.Com going beyond the extra mile to make a relationship with the client. Other than manufacturing some fantastic personalized bobbleheads, the client is to feel special since they make the process personal along with professional. The outcome is to be a great one of wobbly headed doll and pleasant experience for the client.

feeling special 

It is to see what is the significance to them to make the client feel special? The producers make it personal as they prefer the client to be a segment of the personalized bobblehead project. The consumer is to feel that it is the first time to contact with the client. The client is to be speaking with somebody that memorized chatter. The client is to be talking to somebody that cares to figure out what the client actually requires. They are to recommend for the developments since they like it to be at least near perfect. During the method, they begin to build the relationship. Hence, when the client turns out to be a segment of his or her project, he or she might prefer the client to be successful. The client is to deal with anything to make the client become successful. The client makes certain to generate a great custom bobblehead.

bobblehead- a new Christmas presenting notion for everybody  

It is difficult to figure out a universal present that can be provided to anybody upon the event including Christmas. This dilemma brings many of us online to find out a new Christmas presenting notion. A Christmas Bobblehead brings an accurate statement to the receiver. Conversely, the problem is where to figure out that little piece of information among the huge websites. The answer is easy as visiting Likenessme.Com helps the clients find a wide array of bobbleheads in the diverse categories including Christmas presents.

The special Christmas bobblehead introduces an accurate presenting statement. They come out tiny, however; it leaves a tremendous impact upon the mind of receiver. The reasons for this are easy. Initially, bobblehead are not the common presents. There are some ingredients of surprising to link to this new Christmas presenting notion. In the second phase, the personalized bobbleheads determine that the bobbleheads are particularly crafted for this occasion.


Christmas bobbleheads in varieties 

The client does have a bobblehead with the face of robes of Jesus or Virgin Mary. The client can also goes for a custom bobblehead resembling Santa Claus. The Christmas bobbleheads appear in huge varieties. The client just has to discover to come up with the ideal bobbleheads in this impending Christmas.

Christmas comes out in the air and the individuals are not to be worried about the presents as they can opt for custom bobbleheads. Custom bobbleheads are well-liked today. The bobbleheads look cute and amusing to look at them. Bobbleheads mirror how the client values the relationship with the recipient. Most vitally, the personalized bobbleheads are not too costlier. Hence, the client can place the order for diverse items to provide to his or her friends, children along with other special individuals in his or her life.

appending more traits to custom bobbleheads 

It is not always sufficient to have the faces of your pals and beloved ones upon the bobbleheads. When there are most vital and highly valued pals along with beloved ones, the clients can append more personalization to his or her present. When there is a special partner, one can place the order of a personalization talking bobblehead. Some companies make the talking bobblehead by installing a tiny chip in the foundation of figure. The client can ask the producer to integrate the special recorded voice clip of the client. There are also pre-made messages that can be entrenched upon the personalized bobbleheads. Taking a visit at Likenessme.Com makes the client find a wide assortment of bobbleheads including Christmas Bobbleheads. The clients can have the different bobbleheads on Christmas and these are Custom Father Christmas bobbleheads, or Custom Christmas bobbleheads.


The way you can anatomize your bobblehead doll

Bobblehead dolls are an amusing and campy crafting item. At the foundation level, a bobblehead doll comes out as nothing but a free footing figurine along with an oversized head. A tiny spring is attached with the body. These bobbleheads are very simple and easy to make. However, there are the diverse paths to make them.

considering the body 

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The first thing is to think of its main body of the bobblehead doll. The individual can prepare the body out of any objects that mirror the individuals or character integrating the dolls or action figures with the actual removing head. Conversely, the body is to be rigid and it is capable of standing upon its own. There is enough weight toward it while tapping the bobblehead of doll. Moreover, it is not to cause it to lean over. There is an extremely fundamental path of dealing with this as it is by applying an identical plastic container. This is filled with rice and glue to gain the weight. Then, it is to cover the container with the structural paper or craft feeling clothing. The individual can make his own dolly body or apply a prepared doll. However, it is to make sure that it does have a flat, hard surface for the spring to be attached with the neck.

about the head of bobblehead 

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When an individual builds the head of the bobblehead doll, it recalls that it must be oversized for the body. Bobbleheads are normally reminiscent of caricatures while applying the giant heads with the exaggerated traits to make an individual or recognized character. When one sculpts or molds a three dimensional head, it is an opportunity. It is hard and it can be costlier. On the other hand, one can make a head out of a plastic foam ball along with a photograph of the face of individual. Under, it is a shallow hole for the spring. The individual can even make a head from two equal size circles of paper along with photographs or drawings of the front and back of the head of individual. It is linked with all sides; however, the bottom and the opened to slip over the spring.

the application of spring

The spring comes out as the easiest segment of a bobblehead to make. Almost all bobbleheads apply the similar kind of spring because it is hidden. It does not matter while looking like. There is the introduction of some thinning crafted wire. It is covered around an average ballpoint pen as it makes accurately workable spring for the bobblehead. It is to be recalled that it is to twist the ends of the spring inward to make an entire, closed circle at each end. If not, the head would sit upon the doll at an angle. How one links the spring toward the head and body relying upon the materials the individual applies for them?

If it will not break the materials the individual is applying. The hot glue is usually a better selection. Otherwise, the standard white glue can function.

today’s building of bobblehead at 

If one can imagine it, he or she can make a bobblehead based on the detail comments and photos. The sculptors of Likenessme.Com can sculpt anything as long as one can imagine. It is to visualize the entirely personalized section. Likewise, for the past sample bodies, the sculptors of this online producer can alter the colors of clothing, remove or append the items including  sunglasses and hats. This online website provides the shipping option upon the order page to choose the time frame to gain the item. If the client requires receiving the bobbleheads fast, this online producer produces and delivers it within five days. Likenessme.Com ships all the bobblehead dolls through DHL or Fedex and the individual would have the doll within two to four days just after the shipment.


When the production for approval is going on, the client can receive the photographs for the approval. If there is any delay of the receipt of the approval for the proof or the requested alteration for the proof, the extra time would be required to finish the task.

the standard cost of bobblehead at Likenessme.Com

The single bobblehead dolls begin at the price of $79 and usually the price ranges between $89 and $109. This price includes the average delivery. There are a few more intricate dolls including pet, motorcycle, car or custom based doll. These are normally costly. The extra tiny fees are to be charged between $3 and $7 for the add on objects including glasses, hats or tattoos. The add ons at Likenessme.Com are pretty particular. How much it would cost. It is free and any tiny add ons that are available at this website are available without any cost. The client can place the comment specifically.

If the client does have a discount on the shipment, if one buys the multiple bobbleheads. It is this online bobblehead producer offering a discount on shipping for the blending of shipments. When the client searches one more unit in comparable to the custom bobbleheads, it is to see whether the client does have a discount. The clients can have the discounts based on the quantity purchased. The clients need to email to this website for a quote and make the client know how many copies the client requires having. This discount level is to enhance based on the ordering of quantity. 

the kind of photographs to be sent 

Broadly speaking, it is to require having two good quality and clear photographs of the individual required sculpting upon the bobbleheads. These photographs include one front view and one side view. The output of the bobbleheads relies on the quality of the photograph. Then, it is advised that the given photograph must have a smiling face or with some distinct facial expression. This online bobblehead producer strongly suggests that the clients should not send the weeding photographs or the artistic photos that apply the softer lenses, and there is the lack in facial details.

the acceptance of type of photographs accepts all kinds of formats; however, there is the preference of .JPG and .GIF files. On the other hand, if any clients prefer having a head- to- toe entire customized design, this online bobblehead producer is to require having a body shot, body position or pose photograph.

the option of shipping 

The shipment is to be done all through the world. The products are to be shipped all through the world and these are to be shipped to 210 destinations. The clients are to be notified when the products are to be shipped. As soon as the order is shipped, this online bobblehead producer is to be sent by an email as the shipping notice. It confirms that the package has been sent to the client. This email also provides the client with a tracking number.

the stages of proofs; however, the clients are not certain 


There is the introduction of sculpted head. The bobblehead is to be sculpted in hand to mirror the initial photograph the client attached to the order. During this time, the clients are to be able to make any alterations to the facial properties, mouth, nose etc. It does not integrate the skin along with the hair color. The alterations are done if there is any necessity without any cost.  On one occasion, the clients can approve the item, and the client keeps continuing toward the next phase. On one occasion, it is approved.  The head is to be baked and there are no further alterations to the face to be prepared.


the consideration of body proofs if it is useful 

The sculptors are to offer hand sculpted body to bear a resemblance to the order notes or photo being attached to the order. At this time, the client is to be able to make any alterations to the position. The alterations are done if it is necessary at no charge to the client. On one occasion, the client approves the item, this online bobblehead producer starts continuing the next phase. When the doll is approved, the body is to be baked and there are no further alterations to the body to be prepared. The skin and hair color is to be chosen. Likenessme.Com selects the color of the clay for the doll depended upon the chosen color. This online bobblehead producer has to remake the product if there are any alterations after it is to deal with so. This is to be the subject toward a fee. It is to make certain that the client prefers the chosen colors of the client.  

the completion of proof if it is applicable 

When the proof goes on, it is to display the finished product to the client. While this phase is going on along with the past feedback, the most of the consumers are happy and it is to approve their doll for the shipment. During this stage, there are the only logos to be altered as the doll is entirely baked and cannot be altered.  Likenessme.Com is to sculpt the head or body again if the client likes to make any other alterations at this phase; this bobblehead producer is to charge $25 while re- sculpting a head or body. is happy to discuss any questions that the client would have with any feature of the service. The clients are to email to this bobblehead producer when they require any changes.


the satisfaction and likeness in relation to the troubles of bobbleheads  

Here, the client does have one hundred percent guaranteed satisfaction. The proofs are to be emailed to the client for the approving in each step. The client can provide the opinion while reviewing the proofs. The sculptors are to receive the comment of client seriously and go for amending in the way, the client asked. Going through this, the client can determine the likeness of the bobbleheads to be received.

bobbleheads for music 


Great deals of musicians along with music labels are to spend huge time, effort and money promoting their music. It is the only path that they are going to have the support. Hence, they deal with the tours, autograph while singing with huge appearances. These techniques are still effective and the client must continue dealing with it if the clients do have the budget along with the resources. Under this circumstance, the singer or musician can apply the custom bobblehead to praise the technique. It is proven to be efficient and effective. This is particularly purposeful if the client does not have huge budget. It is to indicate that the client is a local celebrity and the client is waiting for your big break. The client can function on grasping that the big break by promoting himself. Hence, the client is to be known outside of his town. Applying a promotional tool like the bobblehead doll comes out less costly; however, there is the effective path of dealing with it. Here, it is to keep contact with a dependable custom bobblehead producer, Likenessme.Com to make it occur for the client.


The client must take the merits of the fact that the wobbly headed statuettes are highly personalized.  When a singer goes for a solo act, it moves without indicating that the client must make the personalized bobbleheads that are to be patterned after you. The client must design it as it is closer to the original so far it is possible. Hence, the individuals are to instantly consider singer or musician when they visualize them. If the client is from a band, the client can pattern one after most renewed musician in his band. It is to think that it can be Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy. It is to make certain that the quality is to be great. It is in which there is an experienced custom bobblehead producer helping you derive the assistance. The client can provide the custom bobbleheads just after some weeks prior to the launch of the album to make a prediction.


Take a visit at Likenessme.Com and choose the best handcrafted custom bobbleheads from the following categories. These are Custom Bobbleheads for all. Bobbleheads for him include Business, Work, Sports, Leisure activities, Funny & creative. Likewise, Bobbleheads for her integrates Head- to- toe custom, Cartoon Bobbleheads, Wedding Bobbleheads, Bridesmaid Bobbleheads, Groomsmen Bobbleheads, Couple Bobbleheads,   Musician Bobbleheads, Vehicle Bobbleheads, Dog Pet Cat, Funny other. The other bobbleheads are Family Bobbleheads, Boy Bobbleheads, Girl Bobbleheads, Asian Style Bobbleheads and  Big Bobbleheads 12″.


Likenessme.Com introduces the best hand-made custom bobbleheads

while coming to Likenessme.Com

Likenessme.Com offers one hundred percent handcrafted Custom Bobbleheads based on the likeness of the consumers. The consumers do not need to choose their kinds of bodies. The bobblehead at Likenessme.Com is entirely personalized bobbleheads and distinct for his or her own. The only restriction is the imagination of the order giver. It is to make any personalized bobblehead at Likenessme.Com for any events. The consumer can go for providing the handcrafted gift to his near or dear on the occasions like Christmas, Wedding, anniversary or birthday. The consumers are to send the photograph to this online bobblehead producer and pick up the stunning handcrafted customized bubbleheads.

Christmas bobbleheads    birthday bobbleheads

the selection of the best sculptors

The dozens of brilliant University-educated sculptors are to be tested to find out the potential ones. These potential sculptors need to sculpt the practical based heads and only sculptors out of them are to negotiate the actual needs. These selected sculptors are to be trained for the months. The sculptors bring the tens of thousands of individual bobbleheads each year. Hence, they have the understanding, aptitude and instruction. These sculptors know how to make the bobbleheads to look like the sent photographs.

This online quality bobblehead manufacturer provides the sample proofing service without any cost. It is to determine the utmost likeness and satisfactory from the consumers like you. While the process of proofing is going on, the consumer can place any input in preparing the doll with the sculptor. The innovativeness of the bobblehead along with the sculptor and the order placer can happen together here at this online bobblehead producer. It is beyond the restriction in communicating and modifying unless the consumer becomes satisfied.

the introduction of most detailed sculpting

As there are a good number of most talented sculptors at Likenessme.Com, they are able to detain some elaborated tattoos, sports uniforms and logos. The users need to be astonished at how much detail those sculptors can portray on something so small. This online bobblehead producer offers three kinds of superb customer services. The customer service team is very good here as they always stretch their hands to the consumers to negotiate with all the requirements. They keep the existing production process of the doll where each detail is detained. The associates of service team are always prepared to think with the consumer to sketch the bobbleheads as well.

Bigger is always better. The bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com comes out as bigger ones in comparable to other competitors. The dolls are from 8.54 to 9 inches tall here. The consumers can also avail seven to six inches. The bigger dolls make the clients imprison more details and make a more practical face. Moreover, bigger dolls just look cooler.

offering the fastest delivery

The consumers can avail the fastest delivery of their bobbleheads at their doorsteps when they prefer placing their orders at Likenessme.Com. It is known that the bobbleheads are frequently the special foundations for the vital occasions. This online bobblehead producer can do everything to provide them to the client on time.

shipping option

comparing the doll with the competitors

This online bobblehead producer, Likenessme.Com came out as a big bobblehead company to make the individual dolls. They have been making the dolls over the years. More than ninety-five percent consumers might suggest this bobblehead maker to their nears and dears. This recommendation from the client group is always to be reckoned. This bobblehead producer knows the best path to hold their business steady and they like to offer the best handcrafted products along with superb service.

concerning the material at Likenessme.Com

The most bobblehead providers apply Polyresin Clay and they bake and mold the dolls. Hence, the doll is to be painted and the doll is yours. Likenessme.Com applies Polymer Clay. The color is the clay and the ultimate product is really brighter, real 3D likeness along with higher quality.

placing the order of custom bobbleheads in bulk

When the clients place the bulk order, they can gain the reduced price of each doll. Likenessme.Com turns out to be the leader in the area of producing and sales of bobbleheads. There are more than ten years of experience of producing the goods and they have a broader variety of models along with higher quality for the selection. The consumers can go for a price list of 7” to 7.5” custom bobbleheads. If the clients go for five to ten pieces, the price of each unit is $69. When the amount starts increasing, the price is to start falling. Similarly, the price of each is to be $ 12.50 when the order is around 501 to 1000 pieces.


bobbleheads coming as the specialized presents

If any client prefers gifting something really cool and it is to make the receiver feel the special then, somebody considers providing someone a bobblehead doll. However, there are all sorts of bobblehead toys that are obtainable in the market. Perhaps, there is nothing that can overcome the appeal of the personalized bobbleheads. With the customized bobblehead toys, the clients can deal with providing any sort of appearance to the doll. The consumers can arrange some coolest personalized presents for ever with the bobbleheads.

To begin while planning to present the bobblehead toys toward a person, the individuals must be clear regarding the kind of bobblehead toys ones must gift the receivers. There are all bobblehead toys appearing in the diverse categories and these turn out to be a hard selection for the giver to fix the mind for the sort of bobblehead to be suitable present. In this instance, the consumer must also consider the preferences of the individual of which the user is providing the present as the doll. When someone comes out as a sports lover for the case and he prefers some sports personality specifically. The making of a favored doll might be a great notion to provide the gift.

customization of bobbleheads

The good thing regarding these bobblehead dolls is that the consumer can even personalize, photograph or image of the individual as per the request of individual. Hence, the consumer might be able to order the sculptor if the consumer requires making the nose of an individual bigger or smaller. Alternatively, if one might like to alter the attire of the bobblehead and like to make its appearance in the diverse way other than the appearance of photo. The alteration can take place. Similarly, the altering of pose occurs. It is to choose a special sort of interesting posture for the doll. All these can be taken place with these bobblehead toys and this can occur due to the customization process.

There is a vital point that the consumer must hold in mind in case of the personalized bobblehead toys is that they can would take some days to finish the product. To receive the custom bobbleheads, it takes some days since these sorts of bobbleheads are done on request. The consumers can have the readymade bobbleheads instantly. Hence, it is to keep the time issue in mind and the consumers can place the order of personalized bobbleheads.

bobbleheads in diverse categories

There are many interesting categories that these cool bobblehead toys have to bring to the consumers of bobbleheads. Have a look at the entire list of categories that are available in readymade bobblehead toys. If the consumers do not require having customized bobbleheads, they are still to be able to find enough readymade options of the toys of bobbleheads. At Likenessme.Com, the consumers can have the following bobbleheads including business, work, sports, leisure activities, funny & creative.

The bobbleheads for the girls or women at Likenessme.Com can be head-to-toe custom, cartoon bobbleheads, wedding bobbleheads, bridesmaid bobbleheads, groomsmen bobbleheads, couple bobbleheads, musician bobbleheads, vehicle bobbleheads, dog pet cat or funny dolls. The other bobbleheads can be family bobbleheads, boy bobbleheads, girl bobbleheads, Asian Style Bobbleheads, or big bobbleheads 12″.

bobbleheads-the distinctive wedding cake toppers

The wedding day must be magical and accurate. Hence, it is not a speculation that one requires having the best wedding cake toppers. The young girls usually dream of their wedding and they go for planning for future event. They really have planned out each single aspect of their wedding ranging from their gown to the reception. They also consider the look of cake. The wedding cakes are normally more complex, multi-tiered in comparable to any normal cake. They must catch the concentration of everybody that attends the reception. The conventional view of wedding cake is known as a symbol of the fruitfulness of couple for the years to arrive.

Based on the significance centered upon the cake, the consumer can prefer something distinct to move to the top of the cake. The conventional wedding cake toppers are mostly usual appearance. They do appear in the diverse fashions and themes. Most of the companies do have a good choice that integrates the diverse races, military, interracial, diverse religions and a lot of others. The consumers can select any of these. The consumers can also choose more distinctive wedding cake toppers. They can appear in the diverse sizes and shapes. They can also be the real bobbleheads of couple. This has been turning out to be a well-liked selection. There are various reasons why the distinctive ones are better in comparable to the conventional editions.

Most vitally, they are customized much. It relies upon the kind of personality of consumer along with the partner. There are many aspects of the personality of couple to indicate. However, it must be just the way the consumer is. There is only one and the consumer must display in your cake topper. They are distinctive to the consumer. The consumer likes the accurate wedding. It is to plan in advance and it is better one year ahead. The wedding cake toppers must be distinctive and it is to be planned for wedding cake other than the couples. The bride and bridegroom like the individuals to talk about and recall for a long time. These toppers are to deal with that. It is never good to astonish your partner. Conversely, the holding of the recognition of the cake topper is not hurt her or him. It can be a distinctive present to your partner that he or she is to cherish for a lifetime. One of the good reasons is that these life-typed bobbleheads are better mementos that those conventional dolls. The user can hold theme in a treasure chest and can be a great memory of a new life of the bride and bridegroom together. The reasons can be varied. It is vital to have some time to plan what is the best one for the specific condition. They are mostly prepared of ceramic or plaster. The wedding cake topper appears upon the top of wedding cake upon the special day. Hence, they are definitely to be accurate and charming like the gown of bride.


bobbleheads as the promotional presents

Applying personalized bobbleheads come out as a very well-liked path to promote an individual or a business. The bobblehead dolls keep something that can promote the market as an attempt. Due to this fact, it is seen that a good number of marketing techniques are applied with custom-made bobbleheads these days. The big leagues apply them as a marketing tool. However, today more and more organizations are applying them. It indicates that the bobblehead dolls are used as the techniques with adequate suppleness. The bobbleheads can bring the similar effect upon the market for both smaller and bigger companies. Hence, the consumers can go for trying to promote; the personalized bobblehead dolls function greatly.

Today, the schools are applying them for the diverse purposes. Without any confusion, it is indicated that these bobblehead dolls can act well for the schools while considering the marketing and promotions. Apart from this issue, there are other paths in which one can apply the personalized bobbleheads to the merits of school.

bobbleheads during the time of homecoming

Homecoming makes Alumni recall their touch with the school. They might purchase something that can make them repeat the wonderful time that they had passed their time there. Therefore, the customized bobbleheads can be sold as the souvenirs to the homecomers.

Bobble heads for every one

What are bobble heads?

A bobble head is a figurine with a head that is disproportionately large and the head is fixed on a spring so that it bobbles up and down at the slightest touch. The bobble heads are also called nodders by some people, and there are those people who call them wobblers. That is a type of collectible toy that is often made as a caricature of a famous person. Athletes are possibly the ones who have bobble heads of them made the most. That is more for baseball players.

But that was before people came to realize the fun behind the bobble heads. Custom bobble heads are now a thing. You might have seen them in a few homesteads or on the dashboards of various cars. Not only are they are priceless gifts, but they are also unique.


1  2

History of bobble heads.

The bobble heads might be catching on now, but they have been around for a long time. It is also believed that the idea of a bobble head has been in existence for almost 150 years now. Clearly that is an indication that custom bobble heads are her to stay. They have withstood the test of time.

The earliest recorded reference to the bobble heads is from a short story that was written by Nikolai Gogol. In the story, the author referred to a persona as having a neck that was “like the neck of plaster cats that wag their heads”. Since then the bobble heads have been in production.

Before the 1990s, the fame of the bobble head was dwindling. There were periods where the industry was suffering because of the decreased demand. But luckily, in the 1990s, new manufacturing processes were designed, so that the bobble heads would be made from plastic instead of ceramic. That significantly reduced the cost of production and it was easier to create quality custom bobble heads.

Since the concept of bobble heads has been applied to various things such as bobble computer sitters, bobble head banks, and even bobble head air fresheners. Custom bobble heads nowadays are of really high quality. For instance for our custom bobble heads, we make them be a close resemblance to their real-life counterparts as possible. That includes putting matching tattoos, hair styles, headbands, and even scars if the real-life equivalent has them.

Why get bobble heads?

There are reasons as to why you should get a bobble head for you or a friend. For starters, this is a unique gift. It can be a bobblehead of you or the recipient. It is a warm gesture that is going to last for a long time. It is also a good way of conserving a moment. That is because we all know that a picture might fade, but the bobble head will remain in the same condition if it is well maintained.

Bobble heads are the future of gift ideas.

You can have custom bobble heads made of virtually anything. Using the right people to have a bobble head made means you will get something that is of high quality. Utilizing only the latest technologies and equipment, we will make the custom bobblehead that you want. We have various categories of the custom bobbleheads in our store. Some of our best sellers include:-

Custom bobble head judge  Business men classic blue shirt

Custom bobble head well-dressed man  Custom head on the bottle opener

In case you do not like the designs that we already have following their demand, you can also have customized bobble head that can be personalized the way you want. There is no limit as to what we can do for you. We can capture any moment that you require. You just have to let your imagination run. There is also no limitation as to the number of bobbleheads you can purchase. We can handle the number that you request. You have custom bobble heads for your entire family made.

Why choose us for custom bobble heads?

The simple answer is because we are the best when it comes to custom bobble heads. But if you need more details here is a breakdown.

  • Impeccable likeness – To begin with, our sculptors use their hands primarily to do the sculpting. The sculptors are highly trained university graduates who have undergone thorough testing from our experts to get only the best ones. Our sculptors are also always busy throughout the year. They, therefore, have the experience that is required to make quality custom bobble heads. You are therefore assured of getting a 100% handmade cheap custom bobble head that is almost a copy of you. We fully customize the bobble head dolls so that they are unique to you alone. The only limit is your imagination. We also make custom bobble heads for any occasion’s gift. May it be for a Birthday, a Wedding, an Anniversary, for Christmas or even for yourself. Just send us your photo and get a fantastic custom made bobble head. After the initial sample of the bobble head, we send it to you for proofing first before we can give you the final bobble head. We always make sure that you are completely
  • The devil is in the details – Our highly trained and accomplished sculptors do not overlook any detail in the photo that you send to us to make the custom bobble head. The sculptors capture the intricate details of your tattoos, logos or sports uniforms. You will be impressed at how much detail they can depict in such limited space. Even the skin tone of a person will be illustrated on the custom bobble head.
  • Top-notch customer service – At, we understand that the client is always right. We also understand stand that we always have to satisfy all our clients. For that reason, we go an extra mile in ensuring all your needs have been addressed adequately. During the sculpting, we believe constant communication with the clients is the key. Our customer service team is always ready to help out with any issue.
  • Bigger is better – Our aim as a company is to make a custom bobble head that is as realistic as possible. We, therefore, make bobble heads that are larger than what other companies might offer you. With the increased size, we can capture even more details for you bobble head. You can, therefore, relate even better with the custom bobble head because it is a match to photo or idea that you had in mind.
  • Time is of the essence – We are well aware that most of these custom bobble heads are meant to be gifted. There is, therefore, the pressure of time. We work very fast and diligently to make sure that the bobble head is ready in the shortest time possible. Despite the short working hours, we still assure you that the quality of the work done is still high.
  • Quality material – We utilize only the best materials to make our bobble heads. Most bobblehead makers use only poly resin clay. They bake the clay and then mold it into the dolls. Afterward, they just apply paint and then they hand the doll over to you. Our company on the other side uses Polymer Clay. The color is advantageous to us because the final product is brighter. The custom bobble head is, therefore, a true 3D likeness of what you wanted which is of high quality.
  • Vast experience – As a company that has specialized in custom bobble heads, has been in operations for a couple of years now. We were the first enterprise of this kind to produce large single bobble heads. And because of this experience, we have managed to create a rapport with our clients. Our track record with custom bobble heads is so good, such that records indicate that 95% of our clients would suggest our services to friends and family members.

You do not have to take our word about the quality of the custom bobble heads that we make. Just check the reviews that other clients have made about them. Am sure you will find the testimonials very convincing.

How to get custom bobble heads.

If you feel that a bobble head is something that you would like to have for whatever purpose, getting it is a straightforward thing to do. You can place an order while in the comfort of your home, in whatever corner of the globe. Ordering for a custom bobble head involves the following simple steps:-

  • You just need to open the order form and follow the instructions that are given there. First you will select the type of body from our extensive gallery. Then you will have to decide on various options that include: hair, complexion, eyes among others and then load your pictures. If you need to get a fully customized bobble head doll made with a body that you have imagined, with a corresponding pose and head, then you need to load the right pictures and then check out, and you are done.
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  • Proof Approval. After you have placed an order, we will then send you a link by way of email approximately nine days from the date you made your order (s) to preview the bobble head that we have done on our interactive online panel. You can also use this platform to communicate directly with the artisans by posting your feedback or changes that you would like made.
  • Once you approve the custom bobble head, our artisans will do the final touches to your custom bobble head, and it will be shipped to you as per your shipping instructions.

Some things that you need to remember as you make your order

  • After the order, the shipment can be done within 3 to 20 days according to the option that you choose. And then you can receive the custom bobble head approximately three days after the shipment.
  • Dolls can be shipped worldwide. We delivery to all corner of the globe.
  • If you do not find any model that close to your idea online, you can choose the “Head-to-toe custom ” option and design the doll according to your needs.
  • You need to be very cautious as you choose the options for the face, because, for instance, the production of a Smiling Face and that of a Non-smiling Face is entirely different. You need to be very keen as you place your order to avoid any mix-up.custom bobblehead shipping option
    If you follow all the instructions precisely, you will have your custom bobble head within a short time, and you can start having fun with it. As it was mentioned earlier, our customer service team is always ready to assist in any areas that you might have. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any query that involves custom bobble heads.

Getting into the culture of Bobblehead dolls

the bobbleheads

The bobbleheads have seized the place in the culture in the human civilization since long. They are available as the ornaments on the dashboards of car or as the giveaways in the sports arena. Some of the bobbleheads are collectible, personalized for amusement and some of them appear as the funny depictions of somebody simply. So, what is the definition of a bobblehead? How did they come into the well liked culture of pop? Significantly, it is to see how you can have a bobblehead in the likeness of yours.

The presence of Bobbleheads has been with us since the middle of 1800s. In earlier time, these dolls were prepared with ceramic. The head of the doll is linked to the body with a spring. The notion is that the touching of the head slightly with a finger might permit the head to nod up and down. Alternatively, these can bobble. Therefore, the name Bobblehead comes out. Bobbleheads appear in a diverse of figures starting between the actual life people, animals and the fictitious creatures including space aliens. Bobbleheads have also turned out to be collectible. Some figures including The Beatles or the specific sports figures are frequently purchased at the five times higher. This relies upon the condition of the doll and the amount of dolls was prepared. When there was an unusual a doll, it brings more cost.


ascending and descending order of popularity of Bobblehead

The popularity of Bobblehead has ascended and descended over the years without any reasons or rhyme. In the contemporary time, the bobblehead dolls start appearing much. There were the stadiums offering the nights of a specific star. The star can be a well liked player of the existing team or a sports legend of the team in the previous time. Sometimes, the announcers of sports used to have the treatment of bobblehead. The toy store used to have the arrangements for selling the bobbleheads. The dolls are usual in the playing chests of children and over the working desks of parents.

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the notion of making custom bobbleheads

There are to be great deals of viewers of The Office of Dwight Schrute upon NBCs. These viewers do have the first sight of a custom bobblehead. There is also the notion that some companies are to make the custom bobbleheads. Whether it is to be believed or not, it becomes possible to have the bobblehead doll for the amusement. It can be prepared for a pal or a family member. The fans of Bobblehead dolls can find a good number of online stores selling the bobblehead. Here, Likenessme.Com is prominent. The standard price of each bobblehead at Likenessme.Com is between $89 and $109. It integrates the standard delivery. Costlier dolls are pet, motorcycle or custom body doll. There are some extra fees between $3-$7 including glasses, hats and tattoos.

Sometimes, the price of a bobblehead doll in customized nature can start ranging from $70 to a few hundred dollars while relying upon the details of the doll. Like some other bobblehead producers, Likenessme.Com offers the diverse kinds of bobbleheads including business,work, sports, leisure activities, funny & creative, bobbleheads for her, head- to- toe custom,cartoon bobbleheads, wedding bobbleheads, bridesmaid bobbleheads, groomsmen bobbleheads,couple bobbleheads, musician bobbleheads, vehicle bobbleheads, dog, pet cat or funny others. There are the categories of bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com including

specializing in producing Bobbleheads

Likenessme.Com offers you the best quality likeness. This online bobblehead producer brings one hundred percent inexpensive custom bobbleheads based on the likeness. The consumers do not need to choose the kind of body. It is entirely personalized bobblehead dolls and distinct for the consumer that has provided the order with the photographs. Making the personalized bobbleheads depends upon only the imagination. The consumers can make the personalized bobbleheads for the present of any events including Christmas, anniversary or wedding. The client can send his or her photo to have the fantastic personalized bobbleheads. Likenessme.Com takes a dozen of university trained sculptors to figure out those that are able to sculpt the practical heads.

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There are only some of them compromising the exact needs of this online company of bobblehead. These sculptors are to be trained for several months and they make thousands of bobbleheads for individuals for a year. Hence, these sculptors do have the experience, talent and training. They know how to make the bobbleheads that look like the sent photographs.

The clients can have often the proofing service of the sample without any cost. It is to determine that the highest likeness along with the satisfaction from the individuals like you. While the proofing process is going on, the client can place anything that appears in his or her mind. There is not to be any restriction in communicating and modifying unless the client becomes satisfied.

dating back the history of bobblehead

The beginning of the bobbleheads appeared into the pop culture. The appearance of vintage bobbleheads came out during the years of 1960s. However, the other research findings indicated that the bobbleheads were made during the olden time in China and Japan. It is to be mentioned that the customized bobbleheads have seen over the hundred years.

booming in pop culture

It is seen that the booming of bobbleheads in Pop culture during the year of 1960s. It was the time when United States started observing a diverse kind of athlete in the arena of Baseball. There were the stars including Mickey Mantle and the sport became wider in comparable to the previous time. It includes the baseball while applying these bobbleheads to promote the sport. American football along with the ice hockey was closer followers as well. While making, the versions normally wrapped all the teams in the professional leagues.

the materials of Bobbleheads

China has been producing custom bobbleheads for the United States over the years. As the market for personalized bobbleheads started ascending, the Chinese factories being specialized in manufacturing the bobbleheads immensely fast regulated to take part in this rising trend of bobblehead doll. These producers were well versed in the application of PolyResin material. These producers became able to change flawlessly to the production of personalized bobbleheads. This was the finest one as long as the customer was considering producing wider productions of one hundred pieces or more. Because of the price of PolyResin, it is not the option.


PolyResin comes out as a highly personalized compound resin material. This material has been applied over the years to make the figurines, sculptures and statues. Due to its highly personalizing features, it permits the finished goods to be highly detailed in all features of the design. The strength of PolyResin is also very desirable. While applying in the manufacturing of these goods, the concluding outcome becomes excellent. Mostly, the bobbleheads over the marketplace or the giveaways at the stadiums of baseball are prepared with PolyResin material.

Polymer Clay

With the introduction of customized bobblehead in single piece, a kind of material is to be recognized to be applied affordably. This can make help the individuals to receive the bobbleheads based on the desire of the clients. The material that has been applied broadly in the industry is Polymer Clay. Polyvinyl chloride (or PVC) helps make the Polymer Clay. As the world of Clay is applied in the name of Polymer Clay, it does not possess any Clay materials. It finds its name from the Clay including properties while possessing. To sculpt and work, this Clay material seems to be good. Moreover, this material is quite less costly. It is a matter of fact that anybody can walk into any art and crafting stores. They can buy Polymer clay. While considering the single piece custom bobblehead to be made, the options are that your bobblehead is to be made from Polymer Clay.


feasibility between the materials

PolyResin comes out as an enduring, personalizing material. It is stronger. While searching single piece customized bobbleheads, one piece could cost around two hundred dollars. On the other hand, Polymer Clay, the client does have the identical customization. However, it is at the expense of structural enhancement. The Polymer Clay based bobblehead offers the flexibility and hardness.

While considering bobbleheads, many of us bypass them when holiday season starts taking place. However, you possibly prefer having a bobblehead. Certainly, the bobblehead looks cute. The bobbleheads bring big heads and one can personalize them so that they appear like the individuals for which the user decides to provide the bobbleheads.


reasons behind choosing a bobblehead

Bobbleheads- not a hit or miss present

Anybody can purchase bobblehead from the online bobblehead producer as everyone likes them. Perhaps, they are not the most favored thing around the world. However, if one can tap the head for few minutes, she or he starts smiling and accept the cute little one happily.

great for all ages

The clients do not need to be middle aged or older to appreciate the bobbleheads. These bobbleheads are fantastic for the kids. These bobbleheads do not have any tiny or edible segments. Bobbleheads are for adults, dads, moms, uncles, aunts or grandparents. Here, age is not a factor.

bobblehead for amusement

The bobbleheads are amusing and one can apply them for light hearted, friendly tricks or one can place them on the desk at work as a companion. Perhaps, the individual have the pets that do not feel comfortable without someone home. You could go for a bobblehead appearing on the mantle.


The users do not have to leave the bobbleheads at their residences. They can take them anyplace that the users prefer. Perhaps, the bobbleheads can persuade the user, while having it at home. One can bring his or her bobblehead to his working place. Similarly, the bobblehead can also be brought to a longer trip in the woods.

the customizing option

It does not matter about the person; the custom bobblehead can be made based on the photos of anybody. Perhaps, one knows that you can work hard under the pressure. One can go for a bobblehead resembling his boss. There is the possibility of picking up the slack. On the other hand, one does have a friend that is accountable for a diet or the exercise program. You can make a bobblehead resembling his posture. Possibly, one does have the babies that have a preferred character from a movie. She can arrange the bobblehead of the movie character for her babies.

the custom bobbleheads- the good selection

Bobbleheads are gaining a rebirth in distinction. They have been with us for one hundred and fifty years. It is simply eight to ten inches in height. They do appear in better and lesser sizes. The bobbleheads are the artificial figures that are positioned in the place. However, they have the heads that are connected with a spring. Hence, the bobbleheads can bob up or down according to side by side. As their head can bob, they are widely known as the bobbleheads. There is a wider customization option. Bobblehead dolls can be available in the diverse forms including imaginary creatures, movie stars, TV figures, cartoon characters, historical figures, animals, anybody and there is always the customization option of anybody.

Custom wedding cake toppers

One can have the custom wedding cake toppers that can be made for the beloved ones for a present or for own. It is to be done simply. The requirement is only the photos in two dimensions including front view and side view. The photos are to be clear and distinct. The clients can also opt for the bobbleheads for the gifts of Mother Day or Father Day. A bobblehead can be a really a romantic present for the day of Valentine or the anniversaries. The partner of the giver can indisputably honor this gift. These bobbleheads are unique and they are also pleasurable to play with and entertaining to look at. Take a visit at Likenessme.Com and bring your best custom bobbleheads according to your likeness.

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Likenessme.Com presents you the best attractive bobbleheads

introducing the diverse names

As time elapsed, the diverse names of bobbleheads have passed through. Sometimes these dolls were called as Nodders or Bobbers. However, most of us are familiar with them as Bobbleheads these days. Perhaps some of us perceive them as a childish effort; the collecting of bobblehead comes out as a big business.

the initial history of bobbleheads

The bobbleheads today are the contemporary trendy collectible. But, they first came out during the middle of 1800s. When there was a release of short story during the year of 1842, it was known as The Overcoat by Niolai Gogol. It is thought that it is the most known historical record of Wobbling figures. While narrating the saga, the writer disclosed his major character, Akaky. It did have a neck. It looked like the necks of plaster cats while waving their heads. Then, this concept started moving beyond the regions and the boundaries of the different countries over the years. This transition of bobblehead dolls began to appear in the sports arena of United States in the beginning of 1990s. While considering novelty in the beginning of the century, they ultimately appeared in the Major League Baseball during the year of 1960s.

In the next decade, the interest of collecting of Bobblehead started rising up. Then, the interest began to decrease. Again, the fire of collecting Bobblehead just began to take place just prior to the new millennium. The option of bobblehead was mostly an outstanding one to a restricted gifts of Willie May from the San Francisco Giants while the year of 1999 season is going on to admire the fortieth anniversary of Candlestick Park. As some years passed by, the renaissance of bobblehead as the gift turned out to be a usual sight for the devotees of baseball. There were the multiple giveaways in each season. Some teams of minor league along with many other sports have had the bang of bobblehead.


today’s Bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com

In the contemporary trend, Likenessme.Com offers you the best quality images of your provided photos on these mini dolls known as widely Bobbleheads. The consumers can find one hundred percent handmade inexpensive custom bobbleheads while interpreting their best likeness. The consumer does not require choosing the kind of body, it is entirely personalized bobblehead doll and distinct for the customer himself. The only restriction is the imagination of the consumer. It is to make personalize bobbleheads for the gifts of any events including birthday, wedding, anniversary, Christmas or for any person.

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ordering option at

The consumers can send their photos to Likenessme.Com and have their fantastic personalized bobbleheads. At this online bobblehead producer, there is the testing of sculptors that are trained from university. The test is to find out them that have the ability to sculpt the practical heads. However, there are only few that can negotiate the running needs. Hence, this producer of bobblehead starts training them for a few months. The sculptors of Likenessme.Com make thousands of personalized bobbleheads in a year. Hence they can gain experience of making bobbleheads. They also find the option of seizing the opportunity of talent and training. These sculptors become known how to make the bobbleheads while resembling your sent pictures.

the kinds of Bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com

The individuals can find Custom Bobbleheads for themselves. While considering the bobbleheads for the gents, these can be for business, sports, work, leisure activities, funny and innovative. Similarly, the bobbbleheads for girl are head- to- custom, Cartoon Bobbleheads,Wedding Bobbleheads, Bridesmaid Bobbleheads, Groomsmen Bobbleheads, Couple Bobbleheads, Musician Bobbleheads, Vehicle Bobbleheads, Dog Pet Cat, Family Bobbleheads,Boy Bobbleheads, Girl Bobbleheads, Asian Style Bobbleheads or Big Bobbleheads 12″. often offers the sample proofing services to consumers without any cost. It is to determine that the highest likeness and satisfaction are to be derived from the consumers. While the proofing process is going on, the consumer can provide his or her imagination to his or her mind into the imagination of the bobblehead along with the sculptor. Until the satisfaction of the consumer, there is not to be any restriction in communication and modification between the sculptors and consumers.

gaining the most comprehensive sculpting

Likenessme.Com hires some of the talented sculptors being available to detain the intricate the details of the logos, sports uniforms and tattoos. The user is to be astonished at how much detail the sculptors can portray on something so small.


availing top-notch consumer service at Likenessme.Com is uniformly proud of their client servicing team. This online producer of bobblehead can go beyond the miles to mitigate the demands of the consumers. It is making certain that the users are to be concerned about the development of the doll and each detail is detained. Likenessme.Com is prepared to brainstorm with the client to sketch your bobbleheads as well.

considering a big one a good one

Likenessme.Com offers the best deal in comparable to the other ones. The bobblehead dolls here are between 8.5 and 9 inches tall. They are accessible between 7 and 6 inches. Bigger dolls here make detain more details and make a more practical face. These bigger bobbleheads seem to be cooler.

the fastest turnaround and on-time delivery

Since, it is known that the bobbleheads are frequently special foundations for the vital occasions. This online producer of Bobblehead does everything to send the dolls to the consumers in time. This is one of the best and larger bobblehead producers in the contemporary time that can offer the individual dolls. This online producer has been making the bobblehead dolls over the years. More than ninety- five percent of the consumers might recommend this online company for bobblehead to their pals and families. It is something extraordinary feedback. This producer of bobblehead knows how to run the best business service as the clients can receive the superb service.

considering the material

Most of the bobblehead provider applies Poly Resin Clay, then, they bake, mold and paint the dolls. The Polymer Clay is applied here at Likenessme.Com. The color is the clay. Hence, the ultimate product is really brighter. It is really 3D likeness and higher quality.

ordering your custom bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com

Ordering for your Custom bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com is simple and easy. It is like the step of 1, 2 and 3.

In step 1, it is to choose the kind of body from the extensive gallery of Likenessme.Com. There are the options of selection. The selective options are eyes, complexion, hair or other options in the form of order. Then, the consumer requires loading the photographs. If the consumer requires having an entire personalized bobblehead dolls that are made based on the creativity of body, head and pose. In the next step, the user requires loading the accurate photographs. It is to go through, and the process is finished.

In step two, there takes places the approval of proof. A link is to be sent through email within the nine days from the date of the order as the client can preview the proof on the interactive online panel. Through this link, the users can also communicate directly with the artisans by posting the feedback or alterations that the user might like.

In step three, on one occasion, the client can approve the proof and the sculptors of Likenessme.Com can provide the ultimate touches to personalized bobbleheads of the clients. The final merchandise is to be shipped to the consumer. The shipment occurs based on the shipping instruction of the consumer. It is very easy and simple.


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the things to be noted while placing your Custom Bobbleheads at Likenessme.Com

As soon as the order is placed, the shipment is to be made within three to twenty days based on the options of the consumer. Broadly speaking, the consumers can receive them within the three days just after the shipment. The dolls can be shipped all through the world. If the consumer does not find any model online that is nearest to your imagination, the user can please select Head-to-toe custom bobbleheads. It is to design the doll entirely by the consumer. The manufacturing of smiling face and non- smiling face is entirely diverse. Hence, it is to be cautious when the consumer selects the photograph of the doll.


reasons behind the bobbleheads

Bobbleheads are prepared for a variety of reasons; however, they are usually prepared to rejoice a well liked subject, milestone or mascot. It can be harder to assume as it is to be the most worthy. It is safer to predict that the most well liked subjects tending to draw the most interests and values. This is especially real if it spots an important moment. It can be like the first bobblehead of a player as s Pro. Alternatively, it is the induction into the Hall of Fame. They can also be signed editions or alternatives that integrate a relic. It is like infield dirt or a jersey piece.

When there is newer bobbleheads, the condition is not usually a huge concern. However, it is smarter to judge the images to investigate the description for any mention of damaging. Similarly, the vintage bobbleheads need more investigation. As they can be anyplace between the thirty and sixty years, it is doubtful that they are to be in the accurate condition. The consumer still likes to be conscious of any issues prior to the user buy the item. Hence, there is no need to be afraid to request for the extra images at the bobblehead producer, Likenessme.Com. Bobbleheads are not restricted to just athletes or the sporting occasions. While considering a subject, there is to likely be a bobblehead. Then, the consumer can have the Custom Bobblehead made for you.

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researching and shopping the bobbleheads online

When you consider retail service, it indicates that the bobblehead can be bought in a conventional brick and mortar store. Alternatively, the interested individuals can also purchase the common bobbleheads or their personalized bobbleheads from the established, professional and dependable online stores including Likenessme.Com.

behind SGA or SGB

The individuals understand the acronyms in a diverse ways. However, it is fundamentally indicating that the bobblehead is only obtainable as the giveaways at the stadium. Relying upon the team, they would be obtainable to all attendance. Alternatively, it is restricted to fixed numbers that are declared before. This amount is less than the capacity of the stadium. There is the number of fifteen thousands to twenty- thousands for providing these giveaways. These giveaways are free with the purchasing of a ticket to a particular game. These free bobbleheads as the gifts for a stadium are usually sponsored. It indicates that there is to be normally a brand logo somewhere upon the bobble.

considering STH or ST

These are the bobbleheads that are only accessible to season ticket holders. Hence, the quantity is normally more restricted. These are allowed for the devotees that enjoy watching the games of their preferred teams to buy the tickets for every home game every year. These restricted version bobbleheads can be the hardest to capture.

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New in Box or NIB

These are easy to interpret. However, this indicates that the bobblehead appear exactly as it was provided. It includes the paperwork and packaging. There are great deals of collector that love this. It is because the box can be the segment of the collection.


Bobblehead brings the imaginative notions while considering the representation of individuals, animals, companies or occasions. The creativity is rising up and one can figure out all kinds of Bobbleheads. These are groomsmen, bridesmaid, costume, pet, and sports bobbleheads among many others. As a fan of bobblehead, you can opt to pick up the memorable presents for the beloved ones. Conversely, it is just like purchasing the other products; you are to deal with the homework. Hence in the conclusion, the consumer does have the best with the bobblehead.

Dealing with this, it is to select the right kind of body; start preparing from the foundation; consider the accessories or props; select the right kind of materials; check the options of making alterations and consider the number of bobbleheads. Take a visit at Likenessme.Com to pick your best Custom Bobbleheads in the most affordable cost.



The customized bobbleheads to be the perfect Christmas Presents for all the individuals and tastes

The custom bobbleheads come out as the newest Christmas presenting notion today. On every Christmas, the individuals search the gifting theme to be distinctive, personal, and less costly. However, it is really harder to spot the appropriate theme that can merge with the specific event. Hence, the individuals go for purchasing the similar MP3 players, Wii sets, or iPhone. Spending crosses the budget ultimately. It is not certain whether the gifts are duplicates or not.

It is a matter of fact; there are many times these things occur in our lives. Therefore, the idea of bobblehead comes out into our purview, as it is more pleasing as this present certainly be distinct and diverse from the others. Hence, it is to see how a bobblehead doll can make a personal present. Initially, the consumers can append an image of their choices. This image is to be the image of the receiver or a usual image like Santa, Lord Jesus, or Virgin Mary. There is a great example could be an image of the last reunion. There is another way as you can go for the personalized bobbleheads by appending the personal message on the doll. Your pal turned out to be a father this year, so one can place message like, “This doll is for four of you.”

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The custom bobbleheads for Christmas become well liked these days. They look nicer and amusing to look at. These tiny dolls also mirror the value of your relationship with the recipient. Most vitally, the custom bobbleheads are not too costly. Hence, one can place the order of several pieces of tiny dolls for your friends, children, and other particular individuals.

appending more traits to personalized bobbleheads

It is not sufficient to have the faces of the pals, beloved ones on the bobbleheads. When there are most vital, highly valued pals and beloved ones, one can append more customizations to the present. One can go for a custom talking bobblehead. If you would like to make custom talking bobblehead, you can have a visit at Likenessme.Com in which you can also find a broader assortment of bobbleheads.

It is possible to insert a tiny chip at the base of the doll. You can also communicate with the customer service team to install the chip with your special recorded voice clip. You can also go for the pre-made messages that can be embedded upon the custom bobbleheads. When you have the tiny children, you can place the order of personalized bobbleheads in the likeness of their preferred pet, super hero or cartoon characters. Taking a photograph of their preferred dog and ask the custom bobblehead producer to make a bobblehead dog with a barking sound. It is to be delighting the tiny children and they are to certainly appreciate your present. When you have a collector friend collecting the things to their hobbies including sports, the custom bobbleheads of the well liked athletes can be the good option.

At Likenessme.Com, you can find the following bobbleheads in the following categories including

  • personalized bobbleheads
  • bobbleheads
  • Cartoon Bobbleheads
  • Wedding Bobbleheads
  • Bridesmaid Bobbleheads cheap
  • wholesale Groomsmen Bobbleheads
  • best Couple Bobbleheads
  • Musician Bobbleheads
  • buy Vehicle Bobbleheads,
  • cheap Family Bobbleheads.

