Best 11 Groomsmen Bobbleheads

Sometimes you never know what type of gift to buy your groomsman. A thank you gift that shows how much you appreciate all their hard work is not easy to find. You might spend a lot of time looking for a present.

But have you ever thought of getting them a bobblehead with their own face on it? – They’re a great way to say thank you and can be customized.

Below we have summed up 11 best groomsmen bobbleheads all ranging from hand gestures to style!

1- Both hands in pockets

The first type is a classic man in a black suit with both hands in his pockets. A simple look but also sophisticated. This bobblehead has a bowtie and a white shirt. It’s perfect for that uncomplicated exterior. Simplicity is the key to a great look. This bobblehead is the best choice for the groom who is laid back and casual. Did you know that some specialists say when a person puts his hands in his pockets, it can mean a sign of comfort?

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

2- One hand in the pocket

The next type is quite similar to the first one. This bobblehead has one hand in its pocket instead of two. It also has a black suit and white shirt, but it has a tie rather than a bowtie. It also has a pink flower (or a boutonnière) on the lapel of the suit. It is certainly a very fashionable and polished look for any groomsman.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

3- Both hands holding the lapels

The third type of groomsman bobblehead is quite an attractive one. This bobblehead also has a black suit and tie, but it has a black vest as well. What makes this bobblehead so interesting is its look. Both hands are holding the lapels of the suit. It works well for any groomsman who is confident in himself. It’s quite a classy look!

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

4- Suit and a purple tie

If you’re looking for a simple groomsman bobblehead without too many hand gestures, then this one is the right one for you. This bobblehead represents a man in a black suit and has a red rose (boutonnière) on the lapel. What makes this bobblehead stand out from the others is its purple tie. A little color to break away from the usual white and black suit look.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

5- Tuxedo with a tail

This bobblehead has a very interesting appearance. The groomsman bobblehead wears a tuxedo and a bow tie. With one of the hands inside one pocket, this look is quite sophisticated. Different from the other types, this black tuxedo also has a tail which makes the bobblehead even more elegant.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

6- James Bond style

A suit makes anyone look refined. But give them a gun and they instantly turn into James Bond! That’s what happened to this bobblehead. With the face of any person, this bobblehead will portray a groomsman in a white tuxedo that looks like James Bond. This bobblehead also has a black bow tie and a red flower (boutonnière) to complement the whole look.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

7- White suit and holding jacket over shoulder

Different from all the other looks previously mentioned, this groomsman bobblehead wears an all-white suit. The only different colors are the black shoes and brown tie. This bobblehead also holds its jacket over its shoulder, which gives a very fashionable style to the look. This groomsman bobblehead is perfect for any person who loves an all-white outer appearance.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

8- Groomsman with the family

Don’t want to exclude the wife and kids? Then this bobblehead is the perfect choice. This bobblehead includes the whole family. All of the family members are wearing fancy attire that looks sophisticated and classy. It’s a perfect gift to say thank you to your groomsman.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

9- White suit and red flower

This bobblehead portrays a groomsman in a white suit with a black tie. A little different than other bobbleheads, this one holds a red flower in one hand and a thumbs-up with the other hand. A very iconic look that isn’t very common. It’s a perfect gift for any groomsman who has a unique style.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

10- Blue suit and purple tie

Let’s stay away from the black and white suits for a moment. This groomsman bobblehead wears a navy suit with a purple tie. Although a little different than other looks, this bobblehead is nevertheless a very polished and put together look. A very business-like look, but also works for any groomsman who looks great in the blue.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

11- All-White suit

Another type of the groomsmen bobbleheads is the all-white groomsman. The bobblehead wears an all-white suit. Jackets, pants, shirt, vest, and shoes – all are white. A perfect gift for the groomsman who always likes to look elegant and charming.

Click here to check out this cool bobblehead!

Final Words

As previously mentioned, these bobbleheads are all customizable. You can use any face on any type of bobblehead. They’re simple and unique at the same time. They show how much you care about the person. So if you don’t know what to get your groomsmen, why not try a custom bobblehead? A special and thoughtful gift always brings smiles and happiness.



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