Thanks for giving me such a wonderful gift on my 30th wedding anniversary!

Gift Ideas

Please keep his right arm out of pocket and his left arm entwined with the female model keeping his hand out of pocket. Please shorten sleeves on female tee and taper Capri pants as shown in hoto.


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Finished baking



Thanks for giving me such a wonderful gift on my 30th wedding anniversary!Thank you, Helen! In return,I would like to tell you my love story here.You must be curious about it.
Now start my story.We both lived in a small town.The only thing I knew was that he was one of my brother’s classmates.He always played jokes on me, but I didn’t care.Because I thought he was good looking. A few years later,I walked on the street, suddenly somebody said to me”Do you remember me?” I turned around and found it was him. I recognized him at the first sight even though we had not seen him for a few years.He told me had been in the Army for these years.And he asked me out on a date.Since then we fell in love.
One day we were on a trip. As we were walking back to the car there was a Jewelry store on the same side of the street. He said, “Pick out a ring.” my heart was in my throat.I accepted his proposal that day.
Now we have 2 children and 3 grandchildren, we are planning our anniversary travel. We are planning to travel around the world. We will remember our Vacation the Rest of Our Lives; and look forward sharing our experiences with our all of you. Thanks again for your fabulous bobbleheads, Helen,best friend forever!


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